Colorful Autumn in Gilgit Baltistan
Gilgit Baltistan is located in between the highest mountains of Karakoram, Hindukush, Pamir and Himalayas in Northern Pakistan. Gilgit Baltistan is one of the spectacular place to visit in the world. If you are planning a trip and not sure when to visit Gilgit Baltistan. Then must read this post till end. If you love colors then autumn is best season to visit Gilgit Baltistan.
Click here to read more about Gilgit Baltistan.
Autumn is famous for its colorful season, harvest time in hilly areas and cooling temperature. Autumn is the season when trees actually prepare for winter by changing leaves color. This makes trees colorful which is the main attraction in autumn.
That time of year thou mayst in me behold
When yellow leaves, or none, or few, do hang
Upon those boughs which shake against the cold,
Bare ruined choirs, where late the sweet birds sang.
In me thou see’st the twilight of such day
As after sunset fadeth in the west;
Which by and by black night doth take away,
Death’s second self, that seals up all in rest.
In me thou see’st the glowing of such fire,
That on the ashes of his youth doth lie,
As the deathbed whereon it must expire,
Consumed with that which it was nourished by.
This thou perceiv’st, which makes thy love more strong,
To love that well which thou must leave ere long.
William Shakespeare.
Here is the list of best holiday destinations in Gilgit Baltistan to see colorful autumn.
1. Hunza Valley
Hunza valley is perhaps the best holiday destinations to see colorful Autumn. Hunza valley is located in between Karakoram mountain range in Gilgit Baltistan region of Northern Pakistan. The best thing in Autumn is, the multi colored leaves of apricots, mulberry, walnut, cherry, maples and poplars and the diverse landscape of Hunza valley. Don’t miss this place in Autumn. Autumn starts in mid October in Hunza and lasts till November. Click here to read more about Hunza Valley.

2. Skardu
Skardu is geographically very diverse region. You can see green valleys, crystal clear lakes, high altitude plateaus, snow capped peaks, rocky mountains and deserts. Skardu offers four season of the year completely. Autumn starts in mid October and lasts till December. Kachura lake and Shangrila resort is perfect place to visit in Autumn. The colorful trees, the wind and cool weather and a cup of tea at the bank of Kachura Lake Ah!. Do you need another place to enjoy ? Yes nature is beautiful here.
Read More About Skardu.
3. Ghanche (Khaplu) Valley
Khaplu valley is located 103 Km from Skardu in east. Khaplu valley is one of the best destination in Autumn . Autumn starts in mid October. Khaplu valley is officially called Ghanche .
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4. Nagar Valley
Nagar valley is yet another spectacular place to see colorful autumn. Nagar valley is full of apricot, walnut, poplar, almond and mulberry. The colors of apricot trees start to change in October. The beauty of Nagar valley in fall season is beyond imagination.

5. Phander Valley Ghizer
The serenity, beauty and landscape of Phander is unbelievable. Phander is perhaps the best place to visit in summer, winter, spring and autumn. Phander valley is located in district Ghizer, Gilgit Baltistan . Fall season starts in early October and lasts till November. is one of the leading authentic news and information platform focusing on adventure tourism, regional and world affairs.