PTI chief Imran Khan was arrested on the premises of the Islamabad High Court (IHC) in the Al-Qadir Trust case, following two hearings on Tuesday afternoon. This surprising turn of events prompted the Islamabad police to issue a statement, quoting Inspector General Akbar Nasir, which stated that Imran was detained in relation to allegations that he and his wife had received billions of rupees from a real estate firm in exchange for legalizing a laundered amount of Rs50 billion that was returned to Pakistan by the UK during the previous PTI government.
In the below video, it can be seen that rangers are arresting Imran Khan at Islamabad high court.
The interior minister noted that Imran had failed to appear in court despite multiple notices, while the PTI lawyer claimed that Imran had been physically abused during the arrest, suffering blows to his head and injured leg. The IHC Chief Justice expressed strong disapproval of the arrest occurring on the court’s premises.
Asad Umar confirmed that a six-member committee headed by Shah Mahmood Qureshi would decide the next course of action. Meanwhile, protests broke out in several cities. The police chief has stated that the situation in Islamabad is “normal,” and that Section 144 has been imposed in the city, with action to be taken against those who violate it.
After days of escalating tensions between the former prime minister, who was removed from office last year, the current government, and the powerful military, PTI Chief Imran Khan has been arrested. Recently, Khan accused a senior officer of being involved in an assassination attempt against him last year, which he narrowly survived.
Khan’s party has claimed that there are political motives behind his arrest, which are connected to the current government led by Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif. Supporters of Khan believe that the government has been undemocratic by repeatedly delaying key regional votes this year after Khan’s impressive performance in by-elections last October.
Following Khan’s arrest, his party has called for protests throughout Pakistan, and there have been reports of spontaneous demonstrations on a major highway in the capital city and in the regional capital of Peshawar.
During a previous attempt to arrest Khan in March, violent clashes erupted between Pakistani police and the former prime minister’s supporters near his residence in Lahore, resulting in many injuries.
Today, the rangers arrested Khan on the premises of the Islamabad High Court. The news has sparked protests across Pakistan, with tensions rising between the police and PTI supporters. is one of the leading authentic news and information platform focusing on adventure tourism, regional and world affairs.