SCOM Calls, SMS and Internet Packages December 10, 2024
Here is the list of Daily, Weekly and Monthly SCOM internet, SMS and call packages updated on December 10, 2024 . Special Communication Organization(SCO) is providing communication services in Gilgit Baltistan and Azad Kashmir(Aj&K). Moreover, it provides services with the name SNET, SCO and DSL Internet. In most areas of Gilgit Baltistan(GB) and Aj&K, only SCO operates.
SCOM Azadi Packages
This is one of the best SCOM call packages. Azadi SCOM package details and activation code. In this package, you can get voice calls in 0.5 Rs/minute from 10:00 PM to 07:00 AM. Additionally, you can send SMS messages in just 0.5 Rs per SMS. It is the best package for all users.
- SCO Wide (SCO/Family) 07:00 AM to 10:00 AM 0.99 / Minute
- SCOM to SCOM /SCO PSTN/CDMA 10:00 PM to 07:00 AM 0.25 / Minute
- PTCL OMO 24 Hrs 1.49 / Minute
- SMS 24 Hours 0.20 (5 Paisa) / SMS
- PKR 10 will be deducted as activation charges. PKR 0.45 Per Minute Roaming Charges on all ZONG roaming subscribers
How to activate SCOM call packages?
SCOM call packages gb code is *725#. Similarly, you can dial *725# to activate SCOM call packages in December 10, 2024 . For more SCOM call packages check here.
24 Ghantay SCOM Call Packages
This package works for 24 hours.
- Free to SCO Family
- To PTCL&OMO 1.6 / Minute
- SMS to SCOM 0.30 / SMS
- SMS to OMO 0.30 / SMS
- RENT 15 / DAY
Poora Din Baat
Poora Din Baat package details:
- SCO Wide (SCO Family) 06:00 AM to 06:00 PM Free
- SCO Wide (SCO Family) 06:00 PM to 06:00 AM 1.10
- PTCL & Other Mob Ops 1.60
- Daily Rent 08 / Day
- SMS (On Net/ Off Net) 06:00 AM to 06:00 PM Free
- SMS (On Net/ Off Net) 06:00 PM to 06:00 AM 0.30 Per SMS
SMS Call Packages Gilgit-Baltistan
Checkout these SMS packages.
Unlimited SMS Package
- Charges to SCO Family 1.00 / Minute
- PTCL/ OMO 1.60 / Minute
- Daily Line Rent No Line Rent
- When 3000 SMS consumed, the Following Charges will be applied:
- SMS 0.25 / SMS
Super Card Package
Recharge 599 Rs Super Card and get 4000 minutes free SCOM to SCOM and 200 minutes to other networks.
SCOM Internet Packages 3G/4G
SCO is the only network operating 3G/4G in GB and AJ&K. If you are a student or tourist you can subscribe to these 3G/4G internet packages. Here we have given details on these packages. How to subscribe to SCOM internet packages in Gilgit Baltistan and Azad Kashmir? Below are the mobile 3G/4G internet packages and their details.
Monthly Gold Internet Package
Monthly Internet Package 10 GB for just 549 Rs. Additionally, packages are also available for 300 Rs. This is recommended if you are a student.
SCOM Super Weekly Package
In just 129 Rs you can get 1 GB. Moreover, you also get 1 GB at Night. To activate the weekly package dial *111# and select super weekly package.
WhatsApp Package Monthly and Unlimited SMS
For 50 Rs you will get 20,000 SMS and 300 MB WhatsApp.
Monthly Internet Package
3500MBs by subscribing to the monthly data Package in just Rs. 300.
Weekly Internet Package
800MBs by subscribing to Weekly Data Package in just Rs. 75.
Daily Internet Package
200MBs by subscribing to a daily data Package in just Rs. 20.
Social Internet Packages
Weekly Social Pack 4 GB (WhatsApp, Twitter, Facebook & SCO Smart TV App) in Rs 30 / Week
How To Subscribe SCOM Internet Package?
To subscribe dial *111# to avail SCOM internet package facility.
Friends And Family Package
Users can now call at low call rates by selecting friends and family numbers.
Rs. 5 / No
Rs 0.73 / Min + GST Rs. 0.14
To activate Friends and Family just type *133# OR dial 125 Press 5 for F&F Feature and follow the IVR.
SCOM Student Package(AJ&K*/GB)
The package is especially for students, so if you are a student you can activate this package. Subscribe to scom student package services for just 300 Rs per month.
- 5,000 free SMS on all networks.
- 1,000 MB Free Data
- SCOM TO SCOM 250 Mins
- To OMOs 50 Mins
- Validity 1 Month
Other Features
- To check SCOM balance dial *125#
- For loan dial *135#, you will get 15 Rs. It will be automatically deducted on the next recharge with tax.
- To recharge dial *126*PIN number#
- Balance transfer *128*Amount to transfer*Mobile Number#
- If you want to block SMS then send ADD Number” to 420, to remove the number send “DELL number” to 420.
- Internet settings send Setting to 6005.
- To get help call 355.
Other network packages:
Telenor Packages Weekly Monthly Internet Call SMS
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