Imam Muhammad Baqir AS was born on 1st Rajab 56 AH in Medina. His father was Imam Zain ul Abideen A.S. Imam Muhammad Baqir AS witnessed the tragedy of Karbala in his childhood. Imam Baqir was the fifth Shia Imam. He is also recognized as the as an eminent expert in jurisprudence by Sunni Islam. Imam Baqir is the father of Imam Jaffar Sadiq AS. He was also called Baqir ul Uloom(The Oceans of Knowledge).
Here we have collected wishes, quotes and sayings of Imam Baqir on his birthday anniversary(Wiladat).

Wishes Quotes Imam Baqir AS
- Imam Muhammad Baqir AS said, “Three things destroy a man: considering his own deeds to be really great, forgetting the sins that have been committed, considering his own opinion to be the highest.”
- Congratulation To All The Lover Of Ahlebayt (ع) On The Birth Anniversary Of ‘Ocean Of Knowledge’ Imam Baqir (ع)
Congratulations on the auspicious Birth Anniversary of Imam Baqirع & the arrival of month Rajab to all Believers of Ahlul-Baitع

Imam Baqir Wildat Mubarak Urdu
باقر کے رخ کو دیکھ کے بولے یہ اہلِ دِل
پہلی رجب کو دیکھ لیا چودویں کا چاند
زُہرہ چمک چمک کے بتاتا ہے بار بار
فرشِ زمیں پہ اُترا ہے عرشِ بریں کا چاند
باقر(ع) کا چہرہ دیکھ کے عباس ع نے کہا
پہلی رجب کو دیکھ لیا چودہویں کا چاند

امام محمد باقر ع نے فرمایا۔
لوگوں کے ساتھ اس سے بھی اچھے انداز سے بات کرو جس انداز سے تم لوگوں کا اپنے ساتھ بات کرنا پسند کرتے ہو۔
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