Backpacks are an important piece of gear for trekking and hiking. They allow hikers to carry all of their necessary supplies, such as food, water, and clothing, in a comfortable and secure way. When choosing a backpack for trekking or hiking, it’s important to consider the size and weight of the pack, as well as the features it offers.
Firstly, the size and weight of the backpack are crucial factors to consider. A backpack that is too small will not be able to hold all of the necessary supplies, while a backpack that is too large will be cumbersome and heavy to carry. It’s important to choose a backpack that is the right size for your body and your needs.
Secondly, the features of the backpack are also important. A backpack with multiple compartments, pockets, and straps can help to organize and secure your supplies. Additionally, a backpack with a built-in hydration system can be a great option for trekking or hiking in hot weather.
Thirdly, the quality of the backpack is also very important. A good quality backpack will last for a longer time and will be more resistant to wear and tear. Additionally, a good quality backpack will be more comfortable to wear and will distribute the weight of your supplies more evenly.
Lastly, the backpack should be made of durable and water-resistant material. This ensures that your belongings are safe and dry while trekking or hiking in inclement weather.
In a nutshell, backpacks are an essential piece of gear for trekking and hiking. They allow hikers to carry all of their necessary supplies in a comfortable and secure way. When choosing a backpack, it’s important to consider the size, weight, features, and quality of the pack. Additionally, it should be made of durable and water-resistant material for added protection of your belongings. With a good backpack, you can enjoy a safe, comfortable and successful trekking or hiking experience.
Here are five best backpacks you can buy online.
High Sierra Pathway Internal Frame Hiking Backpack

This backpack has a main compartment with U-shaped opening in the backpack which allows you to store two pairs of skis up to 185 cm in length. This backpack also features a padded divider panel and interior hold-down straps to keep your gear organized and prevent it from shifting inside the bag. The center of the bag is padded to protect your bindings. Additionally, this backpack has quick-release adjustable compression straps on each end, and long webbing handles that can be used as a shoulder strap. These features make it easy to carry and keep your gear protected while transporting it.
Maelstrom Hiking Backpack, Camping Backpack

The Maelstrom hiking backpack is designed to be durable and comfortable for outdoor adventures. Made from high-quality rip-stop 210d nylon fabric, this backpack is water-resistant, tear-resistant, and anti-scratch. A rain cover with a clear silver reflective logo is also included, which can be stored in a little pocket under the backpack, ensuring that all your gear stays dry during rain. This backpack features an ergonomic and comfortable design with a thick breathable padded back and shoulders for added comfort, and a hip belt and adjustable straps for proper weight distribution. The backpack also has a chest buckle that doubles as a survival whistle in case of emergency.
The backpack has a large capacity and multiple compartments for convenient organization. This includes a roomy zipper main compartment, a top zipper pocket, two front pockets, two waist zipper pockets, and two mesh side pockets. Additionally, there’s a waterproof wet pocket added to the main compartment to separate sweaty clothes or personal items. The backpack also has unique functions, such as reflective signs for safety, elastic cords for holding trekking sticks, a headphone hole, and a Velcro to fix a hydration bladder.
This 40-liter hiking backpack is lightweight and easy to carry, with breathable mesh shoulder straps and plenty of sponge padding to relieve stress from the shoulders. This backpack is suitable for both men and women and is perfect for traveling, camping, hiking, or fishing.
TETON Sports Scout Internal Frame Backpack

The backpack features a durable open-cell foam lumbar pad and molded channels that ensure maximum comfort and airflow. It also has convenient front and top bungee storage for jackets, shoes, rope, or a sleeping pad. The backpack is designed with a multi-position torso adjustment which allows for a wide range of body sizes to comfortably use it. This backpack is made in China.
Osprey Kestrel 38 Backpack

The backpack features a fixed top lid with an external zippered pocket and an under lid zippered mesh pocket for additional storage options. The backpanel is designed with breathable AirScape ridged foam and an adjustable torso length for added comfort. The backpack also has dual upper reverse StraightJacket side compression straps for secure storage and compression of gear.
Columbia Newton Ridge Backpack

This 36-liter backpack is the perfect companion for overnight or weekend camping trips. It is designed to keep essentials easily accessible with a padded ergonomic hip belt with pockets, a breathable foam-padded back panel with adjustable shoulder straps, and an adjustable sternum strap with a rescue whistle. The backpack is equipped with a spring steel frame, adjustable and removable side compression, and load-lifter straps, it is also compatible with hydration pouch. The backpack has a variety of handy features, including customizable Twin Slot webbing, stretch woven front and side pockets, side access water bottle pockets, trekking pole attachments, a stowable rain cover, and a floating top pocket. Columbia is known for their attention to detail in their gear and only use high-quality materials, expert craftsmanship, and durable stitching in all their products, making this backpack is built to last and will be a great companion for many trips to come. is one of the leading authentic news and information platform focusing on adventure tourism, regional and world affairs.