Home » Everything you need to know about Kalash People the white tribe of Pakistan

Everything you need to know about Kalash People the white tribe of Pakistan

Kalash People Pakistan

Kalash people also called the Kalasha people live in the Hindukush mountain in Chitral in the north west province Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Pakistan. They have blue eyes with blonde hair. There are lot of myths about the Kalash people of Pakistan.

Origin of the Kalash People

Some claims that they are descendants of the soldiers of the Alexander the great. But it has not proved yet. Some Indian writers linked Kalasha people with ancient Hinduism without any evidence. Different scholars presented different theories, but the origin of the Kalash people can’t be traced yet.

Kalash People Religion

Most of the Kalasha people practice a traditional religion. They practice an animist religion. However, some Kalashas converted to Islam. Islamic Tableeghi Jamat converted few Kalasha people to Islam. Recently, the government of Pakistan has banned Tableeghis to convert Kalasha people to Islam.

The Kalash people speak a Dardic language that is classified under Indo Aryan language.

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