Home » How To Protect Yourself from COVID-19 Corona Virus Infection

How To Protect Yourself from COVID-19 Corona Virus Infection

COVID-19 Corona Virus protection

Corona Virus COVID19 is now spread all over the world including Pakistan. On 16 March 41 more cases confirmed in Sindh. Pakistan’s total affected pateints rise to 94. According to National Institute of Health Sciences Sindh is the most affected province by COVID-19. While Baluchistan is the second and Gilgit Baltistan is the 3rd most-affected province. 2 more patients a husband and his wife tested positive in Islamabad. The couple recently visited the United States.

COVID-19 Corona Virus protection

No vaccine is expected soon So here are the WHO recommended ways to protect yourself from coronavirus COVID-19.

  1. Frequently wash hands by soap or alcohol-based hand sanitizers.
  2. Avoid close contact with people who recently traveled to foreign countries like Iran, China, the United States, and other affected countries.
  3. Avoid contact with any person that has cough, fever, and flu.
  4. When coughing and sneezing cover your mouth and nose with elbow or tissue, throw tissue immediately and wash hand with soap or hand sanitizer.

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COVID-19 protective measures

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